Projects and Community engagement
The best thing about living in the Kimberley is the vibrant and diverse community. Kimberley people are resilient, funny and surprising. Harnessing that energy is a great force for creative problem solving and community engagement.
I can work with you to develop and manage creative community focused projects or events, bolstered with strong communications and media that connects to your audience and draws people in. Over the years I have collaborated with a number of local arts organisations including Theatre Kimberley, The Kimberley Arts Network and the Corrugated Lines Festival of Words, to develop engaging projects (such as the Broome Fringe Festival) that offer local audiences opportunities to participate and contribute to innovative programs and media.
On the ground in the community
Having spent 20 years in the Kimberley, working for a variety of companies and community organisations, I have developed an extensive network of contacts. Having well-established relationships is one of the joys of working with community groups and I’m always excited to re-engage with people over time and collaborate on creative projects.
Public art and heritage comes alive
Coordinating the Shire of Broome’s extensive Public Art program for the Chinatown Revitalisation is an exciting project that bring creative energy to the local CBD. I was also on the working group for the Town Beach Redevelopment, and we researched and developed a range of elements that share the complex heritage, amazing characters and underlying cultural heritage of Broome. We now all enjoy walking the streets and feeling the stories of the town come alive through a range of street features.